Prakhar Kaushik

JHU CCVL PhD Candidate. Baltimore, US.


251-S1 Malone Hall

Johns Hopkins University

Baltimore, MD 21218

“No problem is too small or too trivial if we can really do something about it.”

Hi there! Welcome to my bio page! I am a 4th year Computer Science PhD student at Johns Hopkins University.

My current work involves intersection of unsupervised learning, 3D generative models, continual learning, domain adaptation, and model robustness. I also dabble in causal inference and optimal transport. My research revolves around using cognitive computational vision concepts for solving signal processing and machine learning problems especially related to computer vision and graphics.

Currently, I am focusing on projects regarding part-based 3D object representation and completion, text-to-3D generative modelling and lifelong learning for Internet-scale large vision-language models.

Looking for collaborators and internships!


Feb 27, 2024 My first authored paper has been accepted at CVPR 2024! See you in Seattle!
Jan 06, 2024 My first authored paper has been accepted at ICLR 2024! See you in Vienna!
Dec 01, 2023 A paper has been accepted at WACV 2024!
Aug 01, 2023 A paper has been accepted at ICCV 2023!
Aug 01, 2021 My first-authored paper has been accepted at NeurIPS Workshop!